School Hours

Our car rider line starts at 7:45 AM and ends at 8:05 AM. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom seat ready to learn by 8:10.

Parents may not cross traffic to walk students in before 8:00 AM - and parents must walk students all the way to the office, not leaving students to avoid the line.
No student checkouts from 2:30pm-3:10pm.
On Early Release Days, students are released at 12:30.

No student checkouts from 12:00-12:40 on Early Release Days.

To be counted present for the day, students must not check out before 11:40am. When coming in tardy, students must not arrive later than 11:30 to be counted present for the day.  

Summer Front office hours are as follows:
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  This is the hours that the school office will be available for parents/public.

Remember to be here On time, All day, Every day!